venerdì 27 febbraio 2009


Feb 24, 2009, 2.30 pm

-Reading of Macbeth’s Scenes v-vi-vii, Act I. Sylvia Toone working on the source play in order to help the students in adapting Shakespeare’s play more confidently, with a greater attention to the 3 selected scenes of Act 1.

- Act 1, three witches, TV news-Acting out Pasquale AND Giusy’s production for Act 1 (potentially the very beginning of the performance on stage –to be enlarged
- Casting new witches: Renata, Nunzia Scala, Eleonora Cipriano [to change again]
- Act 1—TV set as a protagonist, close up on the theatre screen, when it raises, a regular size TV set goes on looping the same news-casting , but now it’s background. TV as a medium of desire: power, fashion, celebrity, success: THE GOLDEN ROUND
- Song by Lucariello (proposed by Raffaele) could be played during Duncan’s murder
- THINGS TO BE DONE: 1)video-recording of the TV news scene (Raffaele); 2) choosing the song (Simona); 3) correcting the letter text.

Feb 25, 2009
8.30 am

-ACT 1, TV news—2 people: an interviewer (the journalist) and an interviewed, urban scenario
- 9.30 Davimus 1 on stage
-10.30 Davimus 1 performing their work on xenophobia
-11.30 Davimus 2 filming the news scene.
-We’ve rewritten and video-recorded the TV-news scene (Sylvia Toone as the anchor woman, Bill Papaleo as the interviewer)
- Act 2—we’ve worked on the script for the couple’s meeting. Three moments have been distinguished:
1. Lady Macbeth’s excitement after reading the letter.
2. The phone rings and Lady Macbeth is informed about Duncan’s coming for dinner.
3. Lady Macbeth and Macbeth meet up.
-Use of images TV looping from Joe Macbeth (Macbeth as a boss, Lady Macbeth/Lady Macduff relationship, the doll)
-Sleepwalking scene-playing a song like a ‘ninna nanna’-lullaby (it sounds like a filastrocca:The Thane of Fife had a wife). Giusy suggested to use a Neapolitan song about a brother who kills his brother to get their father’s power, richness.
- A mirror and a corner bar in Lady Macbeth’s sitting room. Lady Macbeth looks at her specular image while she says ‘I could be the Queen. Finally a’boss’The phone rings--disruption

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